Hot oil massages for healthy hair are part of most of our self-care rituals. Shout out to my Indian loves, the Indian culture promotes hair oiling for centuries and is an important part of Ayurveda practices. In the western self-care world as well no hair care routine is incomplete without the use of oils. Understanding the difference between cold-pressed oil vs. hot-pressed oils in hair care is important. Which hair oil to choose?

The global market for hair oiling in hair care is projected to reach USD $3.9 billion by 2024. Recently, while diving into topics like Hard water hair care, and pre-poo hair treatments. I came across a repetitive use of cold-pressed hair oils and cold-pressed hair care products. Allow me to quickly share with you what is this oily business. Choosing the right hair oil matters. I wish it was just as easy as walking into a store and intuitively picking hair care products.

So, what is Cold-pressed oil?

As the name suggests – cold-pressed oils use seeds and nuts that are not roasted. These nuts and seeds are pressed at room temperature, usually lower than 49 degrees Celsius. This ensures that the oil produced can retain the essential nutrients, and is of low acidic value.

What is Hot-pressed oil?

On the contrary hot pressed oils use seeds and nuts that are pressed at high temperatures and the ingredients are roasted. In addition, the seeds and nuts are treated using chemicals to retain the fragrance which gets lost due to the use of high temperature used to produce these oils.

2 Differences between Cold-pressed oil vs. Hot-pressed oils

1) Purity – Hot pressed oils have added chemicals that harm the hair and scalp. Also, cold-pressed oils do not contain chemicals as the seeds or nuts are not roasted and do not lose the natural fragrance.

2) Heat – Hot pressed oils lose their nutritional value due to the use of high temperatures during the production, but cold pressed oils are able to retain nutrients (these are richer in vitamins that strengthen and nourish hair and scalp).

Cold-pressed oil vs. Hot-pressed oils? Which hair oil to choose?

Clearly, cold-pressed oil is better. It offers more nutritional value and less chemical. Below you can find cold-pressed oils worth trying.

Recommended Cold-pressed oils mentioned below

Cold-Pressed Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  • Formulated without Gluten, GMOs, or Soy
  • External Use on Skin and Hair
  • Externally, it can be used on the hair and skin to moisturize, tame frizz, and add a protective barrier.

  • Non-Sticky Non-Greasy Hair Oil for Silkier & Stronger Hair 
  • Pure Cold Pressed Oil Blend 
  • No Mineral Oil, Silicones, Synthetic Fragrance 
  • Suits All Hair Types 
  • Cruelty Free
  • 100% Vegan 
  • Gluten-Free
  • Assists in transforming dull, lifeless, weak hair
  • Protects weak, damaged strands. 
Wow Skin Science Onion Black Seed Hair Oil

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