Looking for Face yoga exercises that will help you not only sculpt your face but also promote lymphatic drainage, relieve stress, and improve sleep? Look no further. In this detailed post, you’ll find all the best practices I swear by as a Certified Face yoga/fitness instructor.

These simple facial workouts will help your features look naturally youthful, lifted, sculpted, and glowy. Keep reading to find my favorite free face yoga exercises.

What is Face Yoga?

Face yoga includes massage and exercises that help stimulate the facial muscles, and lymphatic system, and improve blood circulation on the face. This technique is designed to soften and relax your facial muscles to help alleviate tension, stress, and worry. There are 40+ facial muscles and if you add muscle neck and more there are 57+ muscles. Face yoga is a great alternative to Botox and fillers. It helps in burning face fat defining the jawline, chiseling the cheeks, and freezing the static muscles. Face yoga is anti-aging for both men and women as it helps boost collagen production.

Several celebrities and social media influencers have endorsed face yoga, contributing to its popularity among their followers. Research has found face yoga may be effective in improving the structural appearance of your face by strengthening the muscles of the cheeks and face. Practitioners report a younger appearance as well.

A study conducted in 2018 explored the impact of facial exercises on the mental health of older individuals. In this research, participants engaged in 30-minute facial exercise sessions twice a week for 12 weeks. The exercises involved yogic breathing, rhythmic facial movements, muscle stretching, and facial yoga. The findings revealed positive enhancements in mental well-being, facial expressions, and tongue muscle strength among the participants.

Benefits of Face Yoga Exercises?

When you massage and exercise these muscles, the muscles become plump, which tightens and stretches the skin on top thus helping in reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Tapping and yoga exercises also boost blood circulation thereby providing better nourishment and hydration to the 7 layers of the skin. The Benefit of Face Yoga exercises may be more than skin-deep. It helps promote overall well-being and glowing skin. It also helps relax overactive muscles while toning weaker facial muscles, which prevents sagging, expression lines, and wrinkles. Here are the Benefits of Face Yoga exercises you cannot ignore –

  1. Control face muscles
  2. Firm the neckline
  3. Reprogram the muscle memory
  4. Improve symptoms of TMJ
  5. Make your face more symmetrical
  6. Reduces the appearance of dark circles
  7. Improve confidence
  8. Tone facial muscles
  9. Correct skin sagging issues
  10. Generate positive emotions
  11. Makes your face less rounded and more sculpted
  12. Calmer mind
  13. Reduction in facial tension
  14. Improved skin tone
  15. Overall feeling of wellness

How to do Face Yoga Exercises?

Perform Face Yoga Exercises whenever and wherever you want – These exercises do not require you to spend a single penny. These can be done by a busy person as well and easily see results through consistency. Forget expensive Botox sessions, just find a few minutes during your day to look glowy, and lifted and get a calmer mind.

Make Face Yoga Exercises a habit like your usual body workouts – Just like it takes time and little friction to work out your body to get it in shape, the same goes for face yoga exercises. Make this part of your daily skincare/self-care routine (example- when applying a moisturizer or performing self-care rituals).

For 20 mins in the Morning and Evening – You need just 20 mins to get yourself feeling confident and calm for Face Yoga Exercises.

Target specific concern areas on your face and understand your goals – Put an effort into getting a customized face workout routine for yourself so you can achieve your goals, such as getting rid of fine lines of the forehead, nasolabial folds, or toned jawline. Know what you want.

Tips for Face Yoga Exercises (Before Do’s and Dont’s)


  1. Always wash your hands before you start to prevent spread of bacteria that can lead to breakouts.
  2. Wash your face perform face yoga exercises and massage on clean skin.
  3. Always use oil or moisturizer to avoid tugging and stretching the skin.
  4. Avoid excess oil, so your fingers do not slip.
  5. Take pictures of yourself before starting your face yoga routine, to track changes. This will help you compare before/after and boost your confidence when you see results.
  6. Use a mirror to check for any tension or expression lines and consciously smooth them out. If done wrong face yoga and massage can cause more wrinkles on the face. So do it right and use a mirror.
  7. Be mindful of your breathing, slow deep breathing is recommended. The mind-body collection is the best way to get more out of these face workouts.
  8. Follow a healthy lifestyle, beauty reflects your internal self as well.
  9. Get to know your face and learn to relax it so you don’t create expression lines in your daily routine. Be conscious of frowning.
  10. For extra pampering, and me time. Light a candle, pick relaxing music, or watch your favorite show while doing face yoga exercises.


  1. Avoid doing face yoga exercises or face massages if you have breakouts, rashes, sunburns, or inflammation on your face.
  2. Consult your doctor beforehand if you are undergoing dermatological treatments.
  3. Wait 2 weeks after undergoing fillers to perform face yoga exercises.
  4. Remember that face yoga is not a fix-all for good looks. You need to have healthy eating habits, and an exercise routine in place. If you have accumulated fat on your face you need to shed it through physical activity, and nutrition. Face exercises will prevent sagging ness and sculpt the face.

Face Yoga Exercises 101

Anti-aging Exercises

1) Forehead Tapping

The reason why we get fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead area is our facial expressions. After we turn 26 and up we have less collagen and elastin, our skin’s ability to bounce back from expressions decreases thereby creating lines and wrinkles.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Forehead Tapping step-by-step
  1. Sit or stand in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Begin by placing your fingertips lightly on your forehead, right above your eyebrows. Spread your fingers slightly apart.
  3. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, start tapping your forehead gently with your fingertips. Use a light, rhythmic tapping motion.
  4. Start at the center of your forehead and move outward towards your temples, tapping as you go. You can tap in straight lines or in circular motions, whichever feels more comfortable to you.
  5. Continue tapping for about 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on the sensation of the tapping on your forehead.
  6. If you find any areas that feel particularly tense or tight, you can spend a bit more time tapping on those spots, applying slightly more pressure if needed.
  7. After you’ve finished tapping, take a few deep breaths to relax and release any tension in your forehead.
How long to practice forehead tapping?

1 minute.

Benefits of Forehead tapping
  1. Awakens forehead muscles and frontalis.
  2. Breaks lymphatic fluid or muscle tension stored in forehead area.
  3. Boosts blood circulation.

2) Forehead Stretcher

The Forehead Stretcher exercise helps to relax and tone the muscles in your forehead, reducing tension and promoting a more relaxed appearance. It’s a simple and quick exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Forehead Stretcher Step-by-step
  1. Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Place your fingertips lightly on your forehead, just between your eyebrows. Make sure your fingers are spread slightly apart.
  3. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, apply gentle pressure with your fingertips and start pushing your forehead upward towards your hairline.
  4. You should feel a gentle stretch in your forehead muscles.
How long to practice forehead tapping?

Repeat the stretch 20 times.

Benefits of Forehead Stretcher
  1. Prevents vertical lines between the eyebrows.
  2. Stimulates and increases the blood circulation.
  3. Relaxes muscles thereby preventing fine lines.
  4. As you massage the points it helps in calming the mind.

Face Lifting Face Yoga Exercises

3) Eyebrow Lifter

The Eyebrow Lifter is a face yoga exercise that focuses on toning and lifting the muscles around the eyebrows.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Eyebrow Lifter Step-by-step
  1. Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Position your index finger and thumb on the inner edge of one eyebrow, forming a pinch with a gentle grip.
  3. Apply firm but gentle pressure between your index finger and thumb, holding this position for a few seconds. This helps stimulate the muscles and skin around the inner edge of the eyebrow.
  4. Slowly move your index finger and thumb along the eyebrow towards the outer edge while maintaining firm pressure. You can pinch or squeeze the eyebrow gently as you move your fingers.
  5. Continue pinching and moving your fingers along the entire length of the eyebrow, applying consistent pressure.
  6. When you reach the outer edge of the eyebrow, hold the pinch for a few seconds before releasing the pressure.
  7. Repeat the same pinching motion on the other eyebrow, starting from the inner edge and moving towards the outer edge.
  8. Perform this exercise on both eyebrows for a few repetitions, depending on your comfort level.
How long to practice eyebrow lifter?

10-20 times.

Benefits of an Eyebrow lifter?
  1. Helps to reduce tension in eyebrow area.
  2. Helps lift eyebrow area.
  3. Reduces any lines forming at the center of the eyebrows.

4) Cheek Hook

Fat and bone changes can even affect the area under the eyes and jaws. Although we cannot stop these changes we can strengthen and lift the muscles underneath the fat, which gives a lifter and youthful appearance and acts plumping the muscles under the skin.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Cheek Hook step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Form a hook shape with your index finger by bending it at the first joint, creating a curve.
  3. Start on one side of your face, placing the hooked index finger just below the cheekbone, near the side of your nose.
  4. Apply gentle but firm pressure with the hooked finger and slowly slide it upward and outward, following the natural contour of your cheekbone.
  5. Keep the movement in an upward direction, working towards the outer edge of your face.
  6. As you slide the hooked finger, focus on the pressure being directed upward, as if you’re lifting the cheek and promoting circulation.
  7. Repeat this sliding motion along the cheekbone for several repetitions, ensuring a smooth and continuous movement.
  8. After completing the desired repetitions on one side, switch to the other side and repeat the same process.
How long to practice cheek hook?

10-15 times on each side (3 sets).

Benefits of cheek hook
  1. Helps to lift the cheek muscles up.
  2. Helps cheeks to look brighter and plumper.

5) Lip Swipes

Lip Swipes exercise helps stimulate the muscles around the lips and promote a lifting effect in the lower face. It can aid in toning and promoting circulation in the lip and cheek area.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Lip Swipes Step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with your back straight and relaxed.
  2. Place your index finger on top of your upper lip, positioning it horizontally, and let your middle finger rest below your lower lip in a parallel position. This creates a V shape with your fingers.
  3. Make sure your fingers are touching your lips lightly, with a gentle and comfortable touch.
  4. Start swiping your fingers in an upward direction from your lips towards the mid-ear area.
  5. Maintain a consistent and steady pace as you swipe, ensuring that your fingers glide along the skin without applying excessive pressure.
  6. Focus on the upward direction of the swipes, emphasizing the lifting motion along the sides of your mouth towards your ears.
  7. Repeat the swiping motion with alternating fingers for several repetitions, aiming for a comfortable and controlled movement.
  8. After completing the desired number of repetitions, release your fingers from your lips and take a moment to notice any sensations or relaxation in the lip and surrounding areas.
How long to practice Lip swipes?

Repeat 20-25 times.

Benefits of Lip swipes
  1. Increase blood flow around the lip area.
  2. Helps in smoothening the lip lines.
  3. Helps in lifting the droopy lip corners.

6) The Air Kisses

This exercise helps to tone and strengthen the muscles in your face, particularly around the lips and necks.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
Air kisses Step-by-step
  1. Start by standing or sitting comfortably with good posture. Make sure you are facing the person you want to air kiss.
  2. Bring your hand up to your mouth, positioning your palm facing towards you.
  3. Lightly touch your fingers to your lips. Keep your hand relaxed and your fingers slightly apart.
  4. Next, move your hand slightly downward, towards your chin.
  5. As you bring your hand towards your chin, make a kissing motion with your lips. Pucker your lips slightly as if you’re about to give a kiss.
  6. As your hand reaches your chin, release a gentle puff of air toward your hand.
  7. Finally, move your hand away from your chin in a fluid motion, as if the air kiss is traveling towards the other person.
How long to practice Air Kisses?

Repeat 10 times (3 sets)

Benefits of Air Kisses

Defines the jawline, jaws, jowls, and even the neck and helps in reducing double chin.

Fat-burning Face Yoga Exercises

6) The Tongue Roller

The mouth area shows signs of aging in 3 ways. The tongue roller works the mouth, jaw and lips.

Photo credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
The Tongue Roller Step-by-stepPhoto credit – Bodhi School of Yoga
  1. Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Relax your facial muscles, including your jaw and lips.
  3. Close your mouth gently and rest your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Maintain a light but firm contact.
  4. Very Slowly and smoothly roll your tongue clockwise and anti-clockwise along the roof of your mouth, keeping the contact consistent.
  5. Repeat this rolling motion for a few more repetitions, gradually increasing the speed and intensity if comfortable.
  6. After completing the desired number of repetitions, release your tongue and relax your facial muscles.
How long to practice Tongue Roller?

10-15 times on each side.

Benefits of Tongue Roller?
  1. Helps in strengthening the orbicularis oris muscles.
  2. Helps in reduction of Nasolabial lines by tightening skin and plumping muscles.

7) Swan Neck exercise

By performing the Swan Neck exercise, you can help reduce tension in the neck, tighten a sagging neck and jawline, and alleviate the effects of “tech chin” caused by prolonged screen time. Remember to move slowly and avoid any discomfort or strain during the exercise.

Swan Neck Step-by-step
  1. Stand upright with your back straight and shoulders relaxed.
  2. Start by tilting your head forward, bringing your chin towards your chest, and looking down towards the floor.
  3. From this position, slowly raise your chin upward and to the right side, aiming for a 45-degree angle. Feel the stretch in the left side of your neck and the muscles along your jawline.
  4. Hold this position for a few seconds, focusing on maintaining good posture and keeping your shoulders relaxed.
  5. Next, relax and slowly return your head to the center, with your chin level.
  6. Now, repeat the same movement, but this time raise your chin upward and to the left side, again aiming for a 45-degree angle. Feel the stretch in the right side of your neck and the muscles along your jawline.
  7. Hold this position for a few seconds, maintaining good posture and relaxed shoulders.
  8. Relax and bring your head back to the center position.
  9. Repeat this entire sequence, alternating between the right and left sides.
How long to practice Swan Neck exercise?

5-8 times to each side.

Benefits of Swan Neck exercises
  1. Relief of neck tension and tightness.
  2. Improved posture and alignment.
  3. Toning and tightening of the jawline.
  4. Reduction of “tech chin” caused by prolonged device use.

8) Double-chin Remover

It helps to tone and strengthen the muscles in the chin and jawline, promoting a more defined appearance.

Double-chin Remover Step-by-step
  1. Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Use your thumbs and fingers to gently pinch your chin, applying a light pressure.
  3. Maintain the pinch and gently move your hands in an upward motion towards your ears, lifting the skin of your chin as you go.
  4. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds, feeling the engagement of the muscles in your chin and jawline.
Benefits of Double-chin Remover
  1. Toning and strengthening of the muscles in the chin and jawline.
  2. Potential improvement in the overall appearance of the chin and jawline.
  3. Increased blood circulation in the area, which can enhance the complexion.
  4. Relaxation and release of tension in the facial muscles.
  5. Promotion of mindfulness and self-care.

Detox Face Yoga Exercises

9) Dark Circle Remover

Reduces under-eye sagging and dark circles, increases blood circulation.

Dark Circle Remover Step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with your head straight up and your face relaxed.
  2. Place all your fingers together.
  3. Starting from the inner corner of your eye near the nose, gently tap the area underneath your eyes using your fingertips. Maintain a gentle and rhythmic tapping motion.
  4. Move your fingertips outward, following the natural contour of your eye socket. Continue tapping as you move from the inner corner, around the eyes, and towards the temples.
  5. Once you reach the temples, continue tapping across your forehead, covering the entire forehead area.
  6. Keep repeating this.
How long to practice Dark Circle Remover?

1 minute, keep repeating.

Benefits of Dark Circle Remover
  1. Improves blood circulation.
  2. Brightens under-eye.
  3. Promote lymphatic drainage.

10) Lip-corner Massage

By performing this lip-corner massage, you can help uplift downturned lip corners, improve blood circulation in the lip area, and promote smoother facial muscles. It’s a simple and relaxing technique that can be incorporated into your daily skincare routine or facial exercise regimen.

Lip-corner Massage Step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Create an “O” shape with your lips by parting them slightly and rounding them, but be careful not to squeeze them too tightly.
  3. Place your index fingers or middle fingers on each corner of your lips, right where the lips meet the skin.
  4. Using gentle pressure, start to rub your fingers in small circular motions around the corners of your lips.
  5. Continue rubbing the corners in circular motions, gradually increasing the pressure if it feels comfortable. Be mindful to maintain a gentle and soothing touch.
  6. As you massage, focus on feeling the warmth and circulation in the area. You may feel a slight tingling sensation as blood flow increases to the lip area.
  7. Keep massaging for a few minutes or until you feel a pleasant warmth and relaxation in the corners of your lips.
How long to practice Lip-corner Massage?

1 minute

Benefits of Lip-corner Massage
  1. Uplifts downturned lip corners for a more youthful appearance.
  2. Helps to relax and smooth facial muscles around the corners of the lips.
  3. Improves blood circulation in the lip area, enhancing lip color and vitality.
  4. Provides a moment of relaxation and self-care.

11) Face Squeezer Face Yoga Exercise

The face squeezer exercise helps to tone the facial muscles and can contribute to a more youthful appearance. It targets the muscles in the cheeks and jawline, promoting a firmer and more defined facial contour.

Face Squeezer Step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Place your palms on the edge of your nose, just below the bridge, with your fingers pointing upwards. Your palms should form a triangle shape with the base of the triangle resting on your upper lip.
  3. Press your thumbs tightly against your chin, creating a firm anchor point.
  4. Slowly and gently start stretching your face to the side by sliding your palms along your skin towards your ears. Maintain a gentle but firm pressure.
  5. As you stretch your face to the side, make sure your palms stay in contact with your skin. Avoid lifting your palms off the skin during the movement.
  6. Continue stretching your face to the side until you feel a comfortable stretch in your facial muscles. You should feel tension in the cheeks and along the jawline.
  7. Hold the stretched position for a few seconds, allowing your facial muscles to engage.
  8. Slowly release the stretch and bring your palms back to the starting position, at the edge of your nose.
How long to practice Face Squeezer?

Repeat 5-7 times.

Benefits of Face Squeezer
  1. Facial muscle toning, particularly in the cheeks and jawline.
  2. Promotion of a more youthful appearance by reducing sagging and creating a firmer facial contour.
  3. Relaxation of facial muscles and release of tension.
  4. Improved blood circulation, leading to a healthier complexion.

Face Yoga Exercises for Beginners

12) O and E Face Exercise

The “O and E” face yoga exercise can help strengthen and tone the muscles around the mouth and eyes, potentially reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and promoting a more youthful look. Regular practice can provide overall facial muscle relaxation and promote mindfulness of the facial muscles. Enjoy the exercise and its potential benefits for your face!

O and E Step-by-step
  1. Start by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Relax your face and keep your shoulders relaxed as well.
  3. Part your lips slightly and form an “O” shape by rounding your lips.
  4. While maintaining the “O” shape, focus on stretching the muscles around your mouth.
  5. Hold the “O” shape for a few seconds, feeling the muscles engage.
  6. Now, transition to an “E” shape by opening your mouth slightly wider, exposing your teeth and pushing your lips back.
  7. Hold the “E” shape for a few seconds, focusing on stretching the muscles around your eyes and mouth.
How long to practice O and E Step-by-step

Repeat the “O” and “E” shapes sequence 5-10 times, gradually increasing the repetitions over time.

Benefits of O and E Exercise
  1. Strengthening and toning of the facial muscles around the mouth and eyes.
  2. Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  3. Improved facial expression and flexibility.
  4. Relaxation and stress relief.
  5. Enhanced mind-body connection and awareness of facial muscles.

13) Look up! Chin exercise

This technique will help you get rid of your double chin. Regular chin exercise can lead to a well-defined jawline.

Look up! Chin Yoga Step-by-step
  1. Begin by sitting or standing in a comfortable position with good posture.
  2. Place your thumbs under your chin, positioning them on the lower side of your chin. Your other fingers can rest gently on the sides of your face or be relaxed.
  3. Apply gentle pressure with your thumbs as you start pressing your chin upward. The pressure should be firm enough to feel a slight resistance but not so intense as to cause discomfort.
  4. Using the strength of your thumbs, slowly move your thumbs upward along the centerline of your chin. Imagine lifting your chin towards the ceiling.
  5. Continue pressing and moving your thumbs upward along the chin for 2 to 3 minutes, maintaining a steady and controlled motion.
  6. As you press and move upward, focus on feeling the muscles in your chin and jaw engage. You may experience a gentle stretching sensation.
  7. Breathe deeply and relax your facial muscles throughout the exercise. Avoid any unnecessary tension in your face or neck.
Benefits of Look up! Chin exercise
  1. Tones and strengthens the chin and jaw muscles.
  2. Enhances jawline definition.
  3. Improves muscle control and coordination.
  4. Increases blood circulation in the chin area.
  5. Provides relaxation and may help relieve jaw tension.

How to set up your Face yoga routine?

  1. Create a plan: Decide which area of your face you want to focus on and learn 6-8 exercises for that area. Practice them daily for 6-8 weeks to see the best results. Progress is typically noticeable within 3-4 weeks.
  2. Establish a routine: Ideally, perform your face yoga exercises in the morning and evening. Set aside 20-30 minutes for each session. Treat this time as your personal relaxation and self-care time to destress and rejuvenate.
  3. Stay motivated: Celebrate milestones and small wins with rewards. For example, treat yourself to a new bottle of your favorite essential oil after completing a week of regular practice. Rewards can help keep you motivated and engaged in your face yoga journey.
  4. Track your progress: Take weekly photos of your face to monitor changes and improvements. Ensure consistent lighting and setup for accurate comparison. This visual documentation can help you track your journey and see the results over time.
  5. Stay consistent: Use gold stars or an app to record the number of repetitions or exercises completed. Tracking your progress can provide a sense of accomplishment and help you stay committed to your routine.

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